Tuesday 12 April 2016


Objects :  Objects are nothing but the tables in the regular database .
There are two types  of objects
1.Standard Objects
2.Custom Objects
Standard Objects  : These are the objects which are created by the salesforce to meet the global CRM functional  requirement
Ex:       User
Note: We cannot delete this object we can only customize these objects
Custom Objects:  These are the objects which  are created by the user to meet the organizational business requirement
Steps to Create Custom Object
                                                            |---New custom objects

Step 1: Enter Label :
            This will specify with what name object should be displayed to the users
Step 2: Enter Plural Name :
            If we creating any tab for an object the name that should be displayed on the tab is called
           plural name
Step 3: Enter Object name :
            This name is used to refer to the object in the programming
            Note : ObjectName__c ( __c is added for every custom object)
Step 4: Enter the description
Step 5: Context Sensitive help setting :
            Salesforce  provides help every object when we click on the help which page need to be   
          opened is seleced using context sensitive help
If we select open standard Salesforce .com help salesforce standard help page will be opened when we click on the help
If you select open  a window we can define our own custom help page

Step 6:  Enter Record Name  and data format
Note : Every Custom object that we create in the salesforce has on standard field which is created
             by  salesforce  i.e Name field
Record name : The name with which name field should be displayed to the users is called Record Name
Name field accept two formats of data
            1.Text   : When we select text user has to manually enter the data
            2.Auto Number: If we choose auto tnumber  system would automatically generate the no based on the format given
Step 7: Optional Features :
These can be enabled or diabled at any stage of the application
There are  three  optional features
1. Allow Reports:  If we enable this option we can create reports on the object data.
2. Allow Activities: If you enable this option we can create events and tasks on the object
3. Track Field History: If you enable this option any changes that are made on the fields of the
     Objected are tracked

Step 8: Deployment Status :
 In Development :  If you specify the status as in development the process of development is
not at completed and don’t show object any user except systemAdmin
Deployed :  The process of development is completed and users can access the object based on the
            Security model of the organization.
Step 9: Object Creation options
These  options can be enabled or disabled only at the time of creating a object .
There are two options ;
1.Add notes and Attachments to related list of the record :
If you enable this option we  can add notes and attachments to the related list of the record like
Email attachment
2.Lanch new Custom Tab wizard after saving the object :
If you enable this option once the object is saved it will automatically takes navigation to tab creation page

Certification Questions:
Q: How many object can be created in the salesforce
Unlimited Edition               :2000
Enterprise Edition             :200
Developer    Edition           :400
Professional Edition           :50
Group Edition                      :50
Contact manager               :5
Excercise  :
Create an application ICICI bank
1.     Create object  :
2.     Create an application College
    3.Create application Hospital
Download datawarehouse app  and complete upto 22 pages
Download recruiting app for salesforce and complete from 36-49 pages
Q: How many ways we can create custom objects
            1.Standard Admin setup navigation
            2.Schema Builder
            3.Soap API webservices

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