Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Admin Review

Session -4 : 
Role : Role in the organization specifies the structure/Hierarchy of the company/organization
                :It will indicate who has to report the work to whom
Steps  to create a Role :
1. Setup-à Adminster àManage Users àRolesàNew Role
Step 1: Role Name
Step 2: Reports To
Step 3: Role Name Displayed
C::Q:: In how ways we can see the Roles
ANS:: List View
                Tree View
                Sorted List View
I::Q:: Did you work on Territory based roles
èProfiles: Profile Controls the following
1. Standarad and Custom Applications that user can access
2. Standard or custom Tabs that user can see and Access
3. Standard and Custom object that user can access and Specifies the Create/Read /Edit /Delete operations that user can         perform on the object
4. Field level security in the object is controlled by profiles
5. Apex Classes/ Visaulforce pages that user can see and Access

There are two types of profiles
1.Standard Profiels
2.Custom Profiles
Standard Profiles: These are the profiles which are created by the SalesForce to meet the global requirement and Standard CRM functionality
Ex: System Admin
Marketing User
Custom Profiles:
These are the profiles which are created by the user to meet the organizations business requirement.
Every Custom profiles which we create should be a clone of existing profile.
Note: Every profile is created for a specific license and it can be assigned to the users who have purchased same license

Steps to create Profiles:
SetupàAdministeràManage UsersàProfiles àNew Profile
Step 1: Select the Existing profile
Step 2: Select the License
Step 3 : Enter Profile Name
Step 4: Save
Step 5: Make the Changes based on your need.                                                     

Steps to Create a User:
Setupè AdministerèManage UsersèUsersèNew User
C::Q:: Which fields are mandatory  to create  a user
1. Last Name 2.Nick Name   3.Email Id   4. User Name  5.Role   6.Profile 7. License
C:Q:: If once the user is created can we delete him?
ANS: No once user is created we cannot delete him
I:Q:: What is the difference between Freeze and Deactivate
ANS: When you freeze the user he will not release the license he is holding
                When you deactivate the user  he will be releasing the license and we can assign to some other  user.

Q:: How to load the documents  from PC to salesforce server

Applications :
There are two types of applications
1.Standard Applications
2.Custom Applications

Standard Applications: These are the applications which are created by the salesforce to meet the global CRM requirement are said to be standard applications .
Ex:         Sales
Custom Applications: Applications which are created by user to meet the  business requirement of his organization.
Q:How to build the Custom Applications
Navigation : SetupàBuildàCreateàAppsàNew App
Step 1: Select Custom App
Step 2: Enter Application Details
                App Label  : This is the Name with which application is visible to the users in the UI 
                App Name : This is the Actual name of the application with which the application is referred programmatically.
Step 3: Select the Logo
                C:Q:: What is the size of the logo
                Ans: Max : 20KB minimum more than 3KB
                C:Q:: What is the sugguestable width and height >
                Ans :: Width :300 PX , Height : 55PX
                I::Q:: What will happen if you don’t give a logo
                Ans :: Salsforce default logo is give for your app
Step 4: Select the tabs which you want to display in the application
I::Q:: What is default landing tab ?
Ans : :The tab which we selected as default landing tab that tab data will be displayed on the first page of the application
Step 5: Select  the profiles to whom you want to display the application
 There are two permissions
                Visable                                 Defualt
                Ok                          NO                         ====Application is Readable
                Ok                          Ok                          ====Application is Readable  and when user logins in with this profile this
                                                                                                Application will be opened
                NO                         NO                         ====Application is visible to this profile

C::Q:: How many custom apps we can build ?
Ans : This depends on the SalesForce Edition that you have purchased.
Unlimited Edition           : Unlimited Applications
Enterprise                          : 10 APPS
Developer                          : 10 APPS
Professional                      : 5 APPS
Group Edition                   : 1 APP
Contact Manager             : 1 APP
Personal                              : N/A

Objects:   Objects are nothing but the tables in the regular database.
                : If we want store any type of data in SalesForce that will be stored in Objects
                : There are two types of objects in salesforce
                                1. Standard Objects
                                2. Custom Objects

1.Standard Objects :  These are the objects which are created by the SalesForce to meet the global CRM  application
                                   Requirement or global functional requirement .
Ex: Account ,Contact ,Case ,Solutions

2.Custom Objects : These are the objects which are created by the user to meet the organizational business requirement
Steps to create the Custom Object:
Navigation : SetupàBuildàCreateàObjectsàNew Custom Object
Step 1: Object Label : This is the name with which the object is displayed to the users
Step 2: Pural Name : If we create a tab for this  object the name that should be displayed on the tab is called Pural Name
Step3: Object Name : This is the actual name of the object
Step 4: Description : We can give the basic information about what   type of data is stored in the object
Step 5: Context Sensitive help:  On every page we have help lint provided by the SalesForce, when you click help which help page should open .
                1.Standard help& Training window provided by the salesforce
                2.Visualforce page which you have created

Step 6: Every Object that we create in the salesforce will have one field with Field  Name “ Name” which was created by salesforce .
This Name field allows following Data types
1.Auto Number
AutoNumber : System will autogenerate the no based on the format what we have given
Ex : EID-{0000}
                Staring with : 1 
Text : If we select text user has to enter the data
Note: Name field is a required field
Optional Features: These features can be enabled or disabled at any stage of the application. There are three optional features
1.       Allow Reports: If we want to create reports on this object this feature should be enabled, Once you enable it SalesForce will create default report type on this object.
2.       Allow Activities:  If we want to create task or event on this object then this feature need to enabled.
3.       Track Field History : This will track the field info  like  when it is modified and who has modified

Deployment Status:
1.       In Development :  If we select the status as in Development this object is not ready for access and only System Admin can access
2.       Deployed    : This object is ready for access every once can perform DML operations based on their permissions.

One Time Object Creation Options: These options are available only at the time of creating a object, Once object  is created we cannot enable or disable these options .There are such options
1.       Add Notes and Attachments:  When we enable this option we will have Notes and Attachment related list in the detail page of the object where we can attach corresponding documents to the records.
2.       Create Custom Tab on Object Creation: If we enable this option once object is successfully created immediately it takes you to the tab creation Page.

Note :All the custom object are appended with __c ,
Ex: Customer__c

Tabs: Tabs are the interface between the user and Object/  Webpage / Visual force Page
There are three types of tabs
1.       Custom Object Tab
2.       Web Tab
3.       Visual force Page Tab
Custom Object Tab : If the user wants perform any Read/ Create/ Edit /Deletion operation on the object he needs an interface to open the object  that interface is  Tab. When  you click on this tab corresponding object will open and we perform the  operation on it .
Steps  to Create the Custom object Tab:
Navigation : SetupàBuildàCreateàTabsàNew Custom Object Tab
Step 1: Select the object and style
Step 2: Select the visibility of the tab to the profiles .There are  three permissions
1.       Tab Hidden :  If you select this option ,tab is not visible to the  users with this profiles
2.       Default On : If  we select this option, tab  is visible the users with this profile and tab is displayed on the tab panel
3.       Default off : If we select this option  ,tab is visible to the users with this profile but tab is not added on the tab panel

Step 3: Select the applications in which you want the tab to included 

Fields: Fields are nothing   but columns in the tables
There are  two  types of columns
1.Standard Fields
2.Custom Fields
Standard Fields : These are the fields which are  created by the salesforce for every object.
1.Created By : Once record is created ,Those records remains on my name irrespective of whether  user is active or inactive
2.LastMofied by
3.Owner  : Every record in the salesforce have owner ,Has is responsible for handling business with this record.
4.Name :

Field Name                        Field Label                         Data Type                           Modifications
Owner                                  Owner                                  Lookup(User,Queue)    No
Name                                    Any Thing                           AutoNumber ,Text         Label Name ,DataType
Created by                          Createdby                           Lookup(User)                  No
LastModified By                              LastModifiedBy                               Lookup(User)                  No

Custom Fields: These are the fields which are created by the user to meet the business requirement of the organization
Technical Terms
1.Field Label
2.Field Name
6.Case Sensitive
7.Default Value
8.Field Level security
10.Data Types
Field Label : This is the name with which this field is displayed to the users  in the UI(User Interface)
Field Name :This is the actual name with which we have created the field  in the  object and we use this name to refer to this field programmatically
Required: If we select required check box we can’t leave this field empty.
Length : This will indicate the size of the data
5.Unique : When we select unique duplicate values are not allowed
6.Case sensitive : if case you want to consider the caps and small  different then select case sensitive
7.Default : This value will be displayed in the field whenever the field is loaded in the page
8.Field Level Security :

All the users with admin profile can read/write the field
System Admin
All the users with admin profile can only read the field
System Admin
All the users with admin profile cannot see this field
System Admin
This combination is not allowed

Data Type :  This   will indicate the type of data data that we can enter in the field and  range of the data.
1.       Text       : 
                Data Format                      :  Alpha Numeric
                Maximum Length           : 255 Characters
                Single/Multiple Lines    : Single Line
3.       Text Area :
                Data Format                      : Alpha Numeric
                Maximum Length           : 255 Characters
                Single /Multiple Lines   : Multiple Lines
4.       Text  Area (Long)
                Data Format                      :Alpha Numeric
                Maximum Length           : 32768 ( it can grow upto 1,30000+ )
                Single /Multiple Line     : Multiple Line
                Minimum Length            : 256 characters
5.       Text Area (Rich)
                Data Format                      : Formatted Data
                Maximum Length           : 32768 (it can grow 1, 30,000+)
                Single /Multiple Lines   : Multiple Lines
                Minimum lines                                 : 10 lines

Steps to create a text field  :
Navigation : SetupàBuildàCreateàObjectsàObject name àCustom fields &realtions à New
Step 1:  Select the data Type
                Ex: Text
Step 2: Enter the field Details
                Field Label : Customer Name
                Field Name        :Customer_Name
                Length                  : 90
                Description        : This is the name of the primary customer
                Help                       : Name should start with caps
                Required             :  No
                Unique                                 : No
                External Id         : NO
                Default value    : Blank
Step 3:
                Select the field level security for every profile for the new field which you are creating
Step 4:
                Add the field to the page Layout

Text Encrypted  :
                Data Format : alpha numeric
                Length          : 176 characters
                View             : only the users with view Encrypted view will be able to see this field
                                       :   It supports inline edit

ð  We cannot use  encrypted fields  in search, formless, Conditions
ð  We can display the encrypted fields in search results
ð  By default no one will have view encrypted fields permission

CQ: :  Which statement is TRUE about Encrypted Custom Fields? Choose 3 answers:
              A. Encrypted fields can be included in search results.
              B. Encrypted fields are not available for validation rules or Apex scripts.
              C. Encrypted fields can be included in report results.
              D. Encrypted fields are not available in filters for list views, reports, and roll up summary fields






C:Q:: Which standard profile can view encrypted fields by default? 
          A. system Admin 
          B. standard user profile 

          C. None by default

          D: Marketing Profile


Currency :  Length of Integer and Decimal together it should not be more than 18 digits


                Ex: 88888.00



Pick List : This is a dropdown list


è It allows 1000 options in the pick list

è Maximum length of each option is 255 characters

è All the options together it can be maximum 15,000 characters

è We can sort the options before we display in the pick list

è In case we want we set the first option as default 

è Once the pick list field is created we can add/ remove /replace /edit the options

C:Q:: We have 10 records with city  ‘Hyd’ and Admin has removed the option of  ‘Hyd ‘  from the city pick list field What would be behavior



Ans: Old records which have selected ‘Hyd’ still can select ‘Hyd ‘


MultiSelect  PickList :  This is just like a picklist where we can select more than one option at a time .


è It can have 150 options

è We can select 100 options at  a time

è Maximum length of each option is 40 characters

è Maximum length of all the options together 1500 characters


Field Dependency : When  value of  one field controls the value of another field we call it a field dependency


Controlling Field :  it can be any of the PICKLIST field or CHECKBOX field

Dependent Field : It can be any of the  PICKLIST field or  MULTI SELECT PICKLIST field


C:Q:: Which statement is true about the field dependency

 ANS:::if the controlling field is a picklist  field it can not have more than 300 options in  it


C::Q:: Which  of the following statements  are true about field dependency


1.        Standard field as controlling and Custom Field as Dependent

2.       Standard field as Controlling and Standard field as Dependent

3.       Custom field as Controlling and Custom field as Dependent

4.       Custom Field as controlling and Standard field as Dependent




These are used to create /establish a relation between two or more objects


1. Master-Detail Relation


2. Lookup Relation

3. Junction Object(Many to Many)


4. Hierarchal Relation



Master-Detail Relation


1.        Maser –Detail Relation is One to Many relation

2.       This field can be created only on the object which doesn’t have any prior data on it .

3.       This is a required field .

4.       The object on which we have created master –Detail that object is called Detail Object /Child Object /Related Object

5.        The object   to whose record the master –Detail field is referring that object is called Master Object

6.       The Object on which we have created Maser-Detail field that object will not have owner field.

7.       The owner of master record will be the owner of the record.

8.       If  you delete the master  record child records are also deleted .

9.       The Child records which are deleted due to deletion of master record will not move recycle bin, But when we undelete the master  record child  record will be automatically undeleted

10.   An object can be master to any no of objects


1.       A                                     2                             A                             3.                            A

|                                                                      |                                                              |

                               B                                                         ------------------                               -----------------------------

                                                                                        |              |              |                              |              |              |              |

                                                                                                                B             C             D                             B             C             D             E


                                                Allowed                                               Allowed                                               Allowed


11.   An object can have only two master ‘ field on it


1.        A                    2 .  A       B                            3.    A     B             C

 |                           |        |                                      |       |               |

B                          --------                                 --------------------

                                |                                                 |

                                C                                               D


Allowed       Allowed                               Not allowed


12.    Child Object can be Parent to some other object up to three levels


1.        A                    2.            A                             3.            A             4.           A

 |                                     |                                              |                              |

B                                     B                                             B                             B

|                                      |                                              |                             

C                                     C                                             C                            

                                        |                                              |                             

                                        D                                             D                            




Allowed                                       Allowed                               Not Allowed      Allowed



13.   Object which has two parents on  it can never be a parent to some other object


A                             x                                              A             X

|                              |                                              |              |

                                                --------------------                                               B             Y

                                                                |                                                              |              |

                                                                C                                                             C             Z

                                                                |                                                              |              |

                                                                D                                                             -----------





                        Not Allowed                                                                      Allowed


Steps to Create a Master –detail field


Navigation: SetupàBuildàCreateàObjectsàSelect Object-àCustom fields& RelationsàNew


Step1: Select Data Type as Master-details


Step 2: Select Master Object


Step 3:  Enter Field Details


        1. Field Label     : Customer Details


        2. Field Name   : Customer Details


        3. Sharing Settings : Select the Minimum level of access requied on Master object to perform

                                                        Read /Edit/Delete /Create on child records


Step 4: Establish the field level security


Step 5:  Add the field to the Child object default   page layout


Step 6:  Add the field to the parent object Page Layouts



Junction Object :  Object on which we have two master –detail fields on it that we call it as  junction  object.


                1. This junction object will maintain many to many relation

2. The first master –detail field that we have created will be primary master

                3. The second master –detail field that we have created will be secondary master

                4. Junction object will inherit   look and feel and owner ship properties from primary master

                5. Junction object related records are displayed in both the masters

                6. If junction object has more than 200 child records for particular master record then we cannot  

                  delete   that master record.








Lookup Relation:
1.       It also maintains  One to Many relation
2.       This is  not a required field
3.       We can create a lookup field on the object which has data also
4.       If delete the parent record corresponding child records are not deleted.
5.       We can avoid deletion of parent record if  it has child
6.       Owner for the  parent record and child record can be same or different
7.       We can create 25 lookup fields in a object
8.       We can create a self lookup relation  .

Hierarchical Relation:
                1. This relation is created on user object.
                2. This is used to establish the relation between two users .

Certification Questions  on Realtions (401 &201) :
1.What is the maximum number of master-detail relationships that can be created on a custom object? 

A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) Unlimited

2. A developer has created a junction object. What is the significance of the first master-detail (primary)  relationship? 


A)Look and feel, the junction object's detail and edit pages use the color and any associated icon of  the primary master object.
B) You cannot delete the primary relationship.
C) You cannot rename the primary relationship.
D) There is no significance


3. Which of the following is NOT a step in creating a junction object?


A) Creating the custom object to serve as the junction object between the two master objects
B) Creating two master-detail relationships
C) Customizing the related lists on the page layouts of the two master objects
D) Creating two lookup relationships



4. An organization wants to leverage custom objects to track bugs. The organization wants the ability to relate bugs to parent bugs in a parent-child relationship. What type of relationship should be used? 

A) master-detail
B) self
C) hierarchical
D) many-to-many



5. A developer wants to leverage the console view to see the parent object of the child object in focus on the console. How would a developer specify what related list fields are displayed on the parent object? 

A) On the child object's mini-page layout
B) On the parent object's mini-page layout related lists field selection
C) On the parent object's page layout related lists field selection
D) You cannot modify the related fields on the console view

6.If a parent object has a lookup relationship defined with a child object, what happens to the child object when you delete a record from the parent?

The child record is deleted


The parent record cannot be deleted

The child record cannot be deleted

7.in a master-child relationship between a standard object and custom object which of the following statements is NOT true? Please select two (2) items.

The standard object is always the master

The custom object is always the master

The custom object is always a child

The standard or custom object can be a master

The standard object is never a child

An organization wants to create a field to store manager data on the user object. The manager field is a reference to another user record. What type of relationship should be used?





09.In a recruiting application, salary is a child object to a parent position object via a Master-Detail relationship The min pay and max pay fields of salary object cannot be modified when the Position status on the parent is 'Approve'. How would a developer design this?

Create a Visualforce component on the position detail page

Rollup-summary field

Validation rule on position object

Formula field on the salary object

Validation rule on the salary object

11.What is true about a junction object?

A custom object that has two Master-Detail relationships

A custom object that has a Master-Detail relationship

A standard object that has two Master-Detail relationships

A standard object that has a Master-Detail relationship

12.Object X has a lookup to object Y. Which of the following statements are TRUE? Please choose two (2).

Fields of both X and Y are accessible from object Y

Fields of object Y can be accessed from object X

Fields of both Y and X are accessible from object X

Fields of object X can be accessed from object Y

13.In a Master-Detail relationship, what happens when the a record is deleted from the parent object?

Parent record alone gets deleted

Exception occurs

Parent and child record will not be deleted

All child records are deleted

What is a junction object?

Object with lookup relationship

Master detail relationship

Object with two lookup relationships

Object with two Master-Detail relationships

15.What is true about a master-detail relationship? Please select two (2) choices.
When the parent record has been deleted, all the child records will be deleted.
B. You can have a child record without the parent record.
You have to expose the master lookup field on the child detail page layout.
D. You cannot delete a child record
16.  Roll up Summary Field works in the case of which relationship Select the correct choice
A. Master Detail
B. Master Master
C. Workflow
D. Validation Rules
E. Lookup
F. Do not lookup
G. Master to all

Roll up Summary :
1.This field can be created only on master object ( in the master –detail relation )
2. Value of this field is calculated from the corresponding child records
Customer                                                                            Transaction      
Customer and Transaction has realtion of master-Detail where Customer is a master and Transaction is  a detail object

1.Where can we create a rollup summary   field in above context : Customer Object
Roll up summary field  value is compute by any one of the operations
                1.Count : This gives the  no of child record for a given master record .
                                  (The Records which are participating in the relation)
Ex: CID-001------Sam-----Saving
Count :  3 
Note : If we say include only the Transaction type :Dep in the Rollup then  will be 2
                2.Sum : This will  return us summarized value of given field from the child object.
                                :We can choose any one of the Percentage ,Number ,Currency field from the child object.
                 Ex: CID-001------Sam-----Saving
Sum (Amount ) :  50000
                Note : If  we give a filter saying only those records whose transaction type is Dep to participate in the 
                              Rollup Summary then Sum will return :30000

                3.Min : This wil return the minimum value from the given field of the Child object.
                                :Field can be any one of the  (Number ,Percentage,Currency, Data,DataTime)
Ex: CID-001------Sam-----Saving
                Min( Amount ) : 10000
4.Max : This wil return the maximum value from the given field of the Child object.
                                :Field can be any one of the  (Number ,Percentage,Currency, Data,DataTime)
Ex: CID-001------Sam-----Saving
                Max( Amount ) : 20000
C:Q:: How many filter conditions we can write ?
Ans:  5 conditions
C:Q::Which fields we can use?
Ans : Child object fields
C:Q:: How many rollup summary fields can be created ?
Ans : :10
Steps to Create the Rollup Summary field:
Navigation: SetupàBuildàCreateàObjectsàMaster ObjectàCustom & RelationshipàNew
Step 1: Select Rollup Summary data Type
Step 2: Select Child Object
                1. Select the Rollup Operation
                2. Select the field from Child Object
                3. Write the filter Condition
Step 3: Field Level Security
Step 4: Add the field to the Page Layout.

Global  Data : Data which remains same throughout the application  ones user has logined to his account that data we call it as global data .
Global data is always prefixed with ‘$’
Ex: $UserRole
Formulas : These the fields whose value is computed based on the existing fields in the objects .
Every formule will return the result  and the formules in the salesforce will return the result in the form of
There are two  types of formules in the salesforce
                1.Simple Formules :  These are created to build simple logic using the fields which are compatable with
                       return type what we have selected .
                Advanced Formules :  These are created when we have a complexed logic   and we can use fields of the
                 object on which we are creating formule and parent object fields

To support the adavanced formules salesforce have given some predefined functions

Logical Functions :
AND:  When all the given conditions are true this will return true
                Ex: Employee with age above 25 and exp above 6 years  should be selected
                AND( Age__c  >25 ,Exp__c>6)
IF  : When we have  two options where contion is true return option1 else return option 2
                 Employee with age above 25 and exp above 6 years is selected  else rejected
                IF( AND( Age__c >25 ,Exp__c> 6) , ‘Selected’ ,’Rejected’)
                If (Condition , stmt 1,Stmt 2)
CASE   When we have more than  two choices we will use CASE
                Calculate InterstRate :
                Education : 12
                Vehicle      :14
                Personal: 16
                Housing   :18
                CASE(Loan_Type__c ,
                                ‘Education’, 0.12,

ISNULL : This will return true if the field value is null ,This is used for checking numerical values and blank value is never considered as NULL
ISNUMBER  : This will return true if the expression value is NUMBER
NULLVALUE( Field ,Default Value) :

OR : if any of the condition is true it will return  true :
                OR( cond1,Cond2,Cond3)

Math Functions :
                1.ABS( 10) ===10
                2.FLOOR( 10.3)==10
                7.GEOLOCATION( lon ,latitude)
                8.DISTANCE( g1,g2,units)
                9.ISBLANK() :This will return true if the field is blank or Null
                15.MOD( 23,2)===1

Date  &Time
                1.TODAY() ===Returns today’s date
                2.NOW() ====Returns  current date and time
                3.DATE(Year, Month,Day) : DATE(2014,12,25)
                4.DAY(Date) : It will return the day of the month
                5.MONTH( Date) :Returns month in the year
                6.YEAR() : This will year in the date
                7.DATEVALUE( expression) : This will convert the date and Time value to date
Text : 
                ISPICKVAL(PicklistField ,literal) : True
                Type : Dep ,With ,EMI
                                Withdraw : Service Tax is 100 , 1% of amount

                IF ( ISPICKVAL(Type__c,’Withdraw’) , 100 ,amount__c*0.01)

                INCLUDES( MultiSelectPickList , literal) :This will return true if the given literal in the selected list of values
                BEGINS(Text ,starttext) :
                FIND(searchtext ,text ,position)
                LEFT( ‘ABCD’,2)===AB
                LPAD(‘ABCD’,6,’*’)=====  **ABCD
                TEXT(10)====’10’ ( 10+10===20 ,’10’+’10’===1010
Ex 1: Loan
                                1.LoanType __c  : PickList
                                2.Security           :PickList
                                3.Installments :

                                                Secutity =’salary’
                                                                Education : 48
                                                                Vehicle      :24
                                                                Personal    : 32
                                                                Housing : 120
                                                Security   :Assert :

                                IF( ISPICKVAL(Security__C,’Assert’) , 36,
                                                                CASE( Loan_Type__c,

Any one who want to apply for a loan based on salary they cant leave salary field blank
Any one who want to apply for loan based on Assers they cant leave assercost blank

èCustomer :
                Account Type : Saving ,Current ,Salary
àTransaction :
                Type : Dep ,With,EMI
                Amount :

Salary : 0
Saving : 2000
Currrent :30000
                ISPICKVAL(Type__c,’With’) , (     OR(   AND( ISPICKVAL(Customer__r.AccountType__c,’Saving’) ,
                                                                                            AND ( ISPICKVAL(Customer__r.AccountType__c,’Current’),
                                                                                                      Customer__r.Balance__c-Amount__c< 30000)

ð  Transaction object

Type : Dep,With,EMI
After : After 5th of the Month  then  Service tax should  be 10 % of the amount.

IF( AND(ISPICKVAL(Type__c,’EMI’), DAY(Transaction_Date__c)>5) ,
ð   If any one is paying IncomeTax after 10th Aug they have late fee  of 1000

IF (   AND(DAY(Payment__c)>10 ,MONTH(Payment__c)>7),

ð   If any trying change the password before 10 days of last modification

AND( ISCHANGED(Password__c) ,(TODAY()-DATEVALUE(LastModifiedDate))<10))

IF the city what what you have selected is in Hyd,Che,Pune  then you should enter pancard value

AND (CONTAINS(City__c,’HYD:CHE:Pune’) ,ISBLANK(Pancard__c) )

ð  Parent :

Name :
Age :
          Child :
    MyName =Parent__r.Name

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