Tuesday, 12 April 2016


1. Object : Loan

   Create the fields :
    Field Name DataType   Options
    AppliedDate Date

    Type PickList Eduction

    security PicKList Asserts

    Salary Currecy

    Applied_Amount Currency

    Assert_Cost Currency
Formule 1:

scenario : Create a formule field  to calculate the instalments

Education : 48
Housing   : 120
Personal  : 32

Formule : Number

CASE( Type__c ,

   'Education', 48 ,




Scenario : Create a formule field to calculate intrestRate

Rule : Education : 10 %

      Housing   : 12 %

               Personal  : 14 %

Formule : Percentage

CASE ( Type__c ,


'Housing', 0.12,

IF( condition , stmt1, stmt2)
If the given condition is true stmt1 will execute otherwise stmt2 will be executed.

Scenario : Create a formule field  Priority

Rule : If applied amount is more than 1,00,000 then set the priority as 'High ' otherwise 'Low'

Formule :Text

IF( Applied_Amount__c > 100000 , 'High','Low')

ISPICKVAL(PickListField ,Literal) :

Scenario : Create formule field to calculate the processing fee

Loan Type  : Housing : 1000

  : other than housing : 500

Formule : Currency

IF( ISPICKVAL( Type__c,'Housing'),



Scenario :  Create a formule field Max_Amount  to calcualte
maximum amount what bank can sanction

Security : Asserts

 Max Amount :60 % of assertcost

Security : Salary

 Education :  32 times of 60% of your salary

 Housing   : 100 times of 60% of your salary

 Personal  : 20 times of 60% of your salary

Formule : Currency :

IF( ISPICKVAL(Security__c,'Asserts'),

      Assert_Cost__c *0.60,

     IF( ISPICKVAL(Security__c,'Salary') ,
        CASE( Type__c ,






Sceanrio : Create a formule field Sactioned Amount

Rule : If appliedAmount is less than MaxAmount amount
then  Applied Amount is Sanctioned other wise
maxamount is sanctioned

Formule :Currency

IF(  Applied_Amount__c  <  Max_Amount__c ,



Scenario : Create a formule field EMI

Rule :SanctionedAmount|Instalments

Formule : Currency

Sanctioned_Amount__c  / Instalments__c

Date & DateTime Functions

1. TODAY(): This will return today's date

2. Now() : Current date and time

3. DATE(YYYY,MM,DD) :This will create instance of date


4. DAY(Date) : This will return day in the month

DAY(TODAY()) : 24

DAY(DATE(2016,2,23)) : 23

5.MONTH(Date) : This will return month in the given date


MONTH( DATE(2016,6,23)) : 6

6.YEAR(Date) : This will return year in the given date

YEAR(TODAY()) : 2016

7.DATEVALUE(DateTime) : This will take datetime value and
return date value

DATEVALUE(NOW()) : DATE(2016,2,24)

Scenario : Create a formule field No_Days which will return
  how many days you modified the record

 Formule : Number



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