Author : Krishna Yerru
Date Created : 2/25/2018
Purpose : SMB Lightning Day 2
Original Project/Case/Epic : SP-2831
Test Class: SP:830-SendPACodeController_Test
Apex class:SendPACodeController
Change History :
Change Version Name Date Task/Case# Description
global class SendPACodeController_Test{
static void setup() {
User RSAUSER = [select name,id from User where profile.name='RSA Telesales User' and isactive = true LIMIT 1];
//Creating Account
Account a = new Account();
a.name = 'test';
insert a;
//Creating Bank
Bank__c b = new Bank__c(
name = 'CITI',
street__c = '123 Main Street',
city__c = 'My Town',
state__c = 'PA',
zip__c = '17000',
country__c = 'United States',
D_U_N_S_Number__c = '123456789'
insert b;
//Creating Campaign
Campaign c = new Campaign(
name = '58001-FordDealr',
StartDate = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Sub_Type__c = 'Lead Generation',
Tactic__c = 'Contest',
Type = 'Existing Client'
insert c;
//Creating User name and password data and custom settings data
Blob key = Blob.valueOf(System.Label.SecPSD);
// Generate the data to be encrypted.
Blob data = Blob.valueOf('apexapiuser@firstdata.com');
String encodeddata = EncodingUtil.base64encode(data);
System.debug('encodeddata ' +encodeddata);
Blob ecdata = Blob.valueOf(encodeddata);
// Encrypt the data and have Salesforce.com generate the initialization vector
Blob encryptedData = Crypto.encryptWithManagedIV('AES256', key, ecdata);
System.debug('encryptedData ' +encryptedData);
String encodeddata1 = EncodingUtil.base64encode(encryptedData);
System.debug('encodeddata1 ' +encodeddata1);
Blob data1 = Blob.valueOf('aTest1234!');
String encodeddata3 = EncodingUtil.base64encode(data1);
System.debug('encodeddata3 ' +encodeddata3);
Blob ecdata1 = Blob.valueOf(encodeddata3);
// Encrypt the data and have Salesforce.com generate the initialization vector
Blob encryptedData1 = Crypto.encryptWithManagedIV('AES256', key, ecdata1);
System.debug('encryptedData1 ' +encryptedData1);
String encodeddata2 = EncodingUtil.base64encode(encryptedData1);
System.debug('encodeddata2 ' +encodeddata2);
List<Iwerk_User_Credentials__c> lstIwer = new List<Iwerk_User_Credentials__c>();
Iwerk_User_Credentials__c usrs = new Iwerk_User_Credentials__c(
Username__c = encodeddata1,
Password__c = encodeddata2,
WebserviceURL__c = 'http://stage.fpol.werkbench.com/dealerenrollment.asmx',
Location__c = 'SANDBOX');
Iwerk_User_Credentials__c usrs2 = new Iwerk_User_Credentials__c(
Username__c = encodeddata1,
Password__c = encodeddata2,
WebserviceURL__c = 'https://fpol.iwerkwebservices.com/dealerenrollment.asmx',
Location__c = 'PRODUCTION');
insert lstIwer;
//Getting or fetching record type data
RecordType opprect1 = [select name,id from RecordType where name = 'RSAG New Account' LIMIT 1];
//Creating Opportunity List and Opportunity data
List<opportunity> oppList=new List<opportunity>();
//Opporutnity with not valid data
Opportunity o = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Product1',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
//Opportunity with valid Parts Data
Opportunity o1 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Parts',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
//Opportunity with valid Service Data
Opportunity o2 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Service',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
MRC_Code__c = c.id,
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
Opportunity o3 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Service',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
MRC_Code__c = c.id,
//Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
Opportunity o4 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Service',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
//Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
MRC_Code__c = c.id,
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
insert oppList;
System.debug('Parts Oppor Test' + o1);
System.assertNotEquals(null, o.id);
System.assertNotEquals(null, o1.id);
System.assertNotEquals(null, o2.id);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception ' + e.getMessage());
static TestMethod void testmethod1(){
String paCode='78948';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String output=SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,recordtype,partner);
System.assertequals('Error||At present, there is no Parts MID available for this PA Code. \n\nAt present, there is no Service MID available for this PA Code. \n\n',output);
static TestMethod void testFordPartWS(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String servMID = '';
String servOppID = '';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String partsOppID = Oppr.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode, oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprPart = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
// System.assertEquals('Success', resultOpprPart);
static TestMethod void testFordServiceWS(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String partsOppID = '';
String partsMID = '';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,Oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
// System.assertEquals('Success', resultOpprServ);
static TestMethod void testFordServiceWS_pacodechk(){
String paCode='';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String partsOppID = '';
String partsMID = '';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
Opportunity getOppDatais=SendPACodeController.getOppData(Oppr.Id);
string valdOpprServ = SendPACodeController.ProcessPACode(servOppID);
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,Oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
static TestMethod void testFordServiceWS_Partnerchk(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='';
String partsOppID = '';
String partsMID = '';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
Opportunity getOppDatais=SendPACodeController.getOppData(Oppr.Id);
string valdOpprServ = SendPACodeController.ProcessPACode(servOppID);
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,Oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
static TestMethod void testFordPartsServiceWS(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity OpprParts = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String partsOppID = OpprParts.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,OpprParts.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOppPartServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
static TestMethod void testProcessPACode(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity OpprParts = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
ID partsOppID = OpprParts.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.ProcessPACode(partsOppID);
System.assertNotEquals(null, OpprParts.id);
static TestMethod void testUpdateOpp(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity OpprParts = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String partsOppID = OpprParts.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String nullval='';
System.assertNotEquals(null, OpprParts.id);
Author : Krishna Yerru
Date Created : 2/25/2018
Purpose : SMB Lightning Day 2
Original Project/Case/Epic : SP-2831
Test Class: SP:830-SendPACodeController_Test
Apex class:SendPACodeController
Change History :
Change Version Name Date Task/Case# Description
global class SendPACodeController_Test{
static void setup() {
User RSAUSER = [select name,id from User where profile.name='RSA Telesales User' and isactive = true LIMIT 1];
//Creating Account
Account a = new Account();
a.name = 'test';
insert a;
//Creating Bank
Bank__c b = new Bank__c(
name = 'CITI',
street__c = '123 Main Street',
city__c = 'My Town',
state__c = 'PA',
zip__c = '17000',
country__c = 'United States',
D_U_N_S_Number__c = '123456789'
insert b;
//Creating Campaign
Campaign c = new Campaign(
name = '58001-FordDealr',
StartDate = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Sub_Type__c = 'Lead Generation',
Tactic__c = 'Contest',
Type = 'Existing Client'
insert c;
//Creating User name and password data and custom settings data
Blob key = Blob.valueOf(System.Label.SecPSD);
// Generate the data to be encrypted.
Blob data = Blob.valueOf('apexapiuser@firstdata.com');
String encodeddata = EncodingUtil.base64encode(data);
System.debug('encodeddata ' +encodeddata);
Blob ecdata = Blob.valueOf(encodeddata);
// Encrypt the data and have Salesforce.com generate the initialization vector
Blob encryptedData = Crypto.encryptWithManagedIV('AES256', key, ecdata);
System.debug('encryptedData ' +encryptedData);
String encodeddata1 = EncodingUtil.base64encode(encryptedData);
System.debug('encodeddata1 ' +encodeddata1);
Blob data1 = Blob.valueOf('aTest1234!');
String encodeddata3 = EncodingUtil.base64encode(data1);
System.debug('encodeddata3 ' +encodeddata3);
Blob ecdata1 = Blob.valueOf(encodeddata3);
// Encrypt the data and have Salesforce.com generate the initialization vector
Blob encryptedData1 = Crypto.encryptWithManagedIV('AES256', key, ecdata1);
System.debug('encryptedData1 ' +encryptedData1);
String encodeddata2 = EncodingUtil.base64encode(encryptedData1);
System.debug('encodeddata2 ' +encodeddata2);
List<Iwerk_User_Credentials__c> lstIwer = new List<Iwerk_User_Credentials__c>();
Iwerk_User_Credentials__c usrs = new Iwerk_User_Credentials__c(
Username__c = encodeddata1,
Password__c = encodeddata2,
WebserviceURL__c = 'http://stage.fpol.werkbench.com/dealerenrollment.asmx',
Location__c = 'SANDBOX');
Iwerk_User_Credentials__c usrs2 = new Iwerk_User_Credentials__c(
Username__c = encodeddata1,
Password__c = encodeddata2,
WebserviceURL__c = 'https://fpol.iwerkwebservices.com/dealerenrollment.asmx',
Location__c = 'PRODUCTION');
insert lstIwer;
//Getting or fetching record type data
RecordType opprect1 = [select name,id from RecordType where name = 'RSAG New Account' LIMIT 1];
//Creating Opportunity List and Opportunity data
List<opportunity> oppList=new List<opportunity>();
//Opporutnity with not valid data
Opportunity o = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Product1',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
//Opportunity with valid Parts Data
Opportunity o1 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Parts',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
//Opportunity with valid Service Data
Opportunity o2 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Service',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
MRC_Code__c = c.id,
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
Opportunity o3 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Service',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
MRC_Code__c = c.id,
//Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
Opportunity o4 = new Opportunity(
Name = 'Test Opp - Test Service',
RecordTypeId = opprect1.id,
Type = 'New Business',
StageName = 'Prospecting',
CloseDate = Date.today().addYears(1),
Revenue_Start_Date__c = Date.newInstance(2009, 3, 20),
Contract_Term__c = '12',
QC_Status_c__c = 'New',
//Referral_ID__c = '54123',
Leadsource='Web',//need to change LeadSource to web
Merchant_MID__c = '12345678901',
MRC_Code__c = c.id,
Bank_Lookup__c = b.id,
AccountId = a.id);
insert oppList;
System.debug('Parts Oppor Test' + o1);
System.assertNotEquals(null, o.id);
System.assertNotEquals(null, o1.id);
System.assertNotEquals(null, o2.id);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception ' + e.getMessage());
static TestMethod void testmethod1(){
String paCode='78948';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String output=SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,recordtype,partner);
System.assertequals('Error||At present, there is no Parts MID available for this PA Code. \n\nAt present, there is no Service MID available for this PA Code. \n\n',output);
static TestMethod void testFordPartWS(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String servMID = '';
String servOppID = '';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String partsOppID = Oppr.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode, oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprPart = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
// System.assertEquals('Success', resultOpprPart);
static TestMethod void testFordServiceWS(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String partsOppID = '';
String partsMID = '';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,Oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
// System.assertEquals('Success', resultOpprServ);
static TestMethod void testFordServiceWS_pacodechk(){
String paCode='';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
String partsOppID = '';
String partsMID = '';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
Opportunity getOppDatais=SendPACodeController.getOppData(Oppr.Id);
string valdOpprServ = SendPACodeController.ProcessPACode(servOppID);
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,Oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
static TestMethod void testFordServiceWS_Partnerchk(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='';
String partsOppID = '';
String partsMID = '';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
Opportunity getOppDatais=SendPACodeController.getOppData(Oppr.Id);
string valdOpprServ = SendPACodeController.ProcessPACode(servOppID);
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,Oppr.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOpprServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
static TestMethod void testFordPartsServiceWS(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity OpprParts = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String partsOppID = OpprParts.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.validateOppDetailsForCallout(paCode,OpprParts.recordtypeId,partner);
WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication wsusr = new WSiwerkCom.UserAuthentication();
WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap wsptr = new WSiwerkCom.DealerEnrollmentSoap();
Test.setMock(WebServiceMock.class, new PennyTestMock());
Boolean result = wsptr.PennyTestRequest(pacode,partsMID, servMID,wsusr);
System.assertEquals(true, result);
string resultOppPartServ = SendPACodeController.makeCallout(paCode, partsMID, servMID, partsOppID, servOppID);
Catch(Exception e){
System.debug('Exception occured ' +e.getStackTraceString());
static TestMethod void testProcessPACode(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity OpprParts = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
ID partsOppID = OpprParts.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String output = SendPACodeController.ProcessPACode(partsOppID);
System.assertNotEquals(null, OpprParts.id);
static TestMethod void testUpdateOpp(){
String paCode='54123';
String recordtype='RSAG New Account';
String partner='CITI';
Opportunity Oppr = [Select id,recordtypeId, name, Referral_ID__c,StageName,Merchant_MID__c, Bank_Lookup__r.name,Initial_Call_Complete__c FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c!= 'Ford GTB' AND MRC_Code__r.name ='58001-FordDealr' and StageName!='closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String servOppID = Oppr.Id;
String servMID = '12345678901';
//need to change LeadSource to web
Opportunity OpprParts = [Select id, name, Merchant_MID__c, recordtypeId FROM Opportunity WHERE Referral_ID__c = :paCode and RecordTypename__c = :recordtype and Bank_Lookup__r.name=:partner and Branch_Name__c='Ford GTB' and Leadsource='Web' and StageName != 'closed lost' order by lastmodifieddate desc LIMIT 1];
String partsOppID = OpprParts.Id;
String partsMID = '12345678901';
String nullval='';
System.assertNotEquals(null, OpprParts.id);
doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
var oppid;
var initial;
var msg = '';
var msgOppVal = '';
var pMid='';
var sMid='';
var partsOppID='';
var servOppID='';
var partValue;
var servValue;
var err = false;
var retValue;
var oppPacode;
var action = component.get("c.ProcessPACode");
"oppId": component.get("v.recordId")
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var resp = response.getReturnValue();
if(resp=='This functionality applies only to Ford Dealers' ||
resp=='The Opportunity has no PA Code available. Call cannot be made.')
component.set('v.message', msgOppVal);
component.set('v.Iwerkscall', false);
/*msg =resp;
var showToast=$A.get('e.force:showToast');
type : 'error',
message : msg
console.log('@@resp : ' + resp);
retValue = resp.split("||");
console.log('@@retValue : ' + retValue.length);
if(retValue != 'undefined')
if(retValue.length > 0)
if(retValue[0] == 'Valid')
console.log('@@Valid : ' + retValue[0]);
if(retValue.length == 4){
pMid = retValue[1].split(":")[1];
component.set("v.partsMID", pMid);
partsOppID = retValue[1].split(":")[2];
component.set("v.partsOppID", partsOppID);
oppPacode = retValue[1].split(":")[3];
component.set("v.PaCode", oppPacode);
sMid = retValue[2].split(":")[1];
component.set("v.servMID", sMid);
component.set("v.servOppID", servOppID);
console.log('@@oppPacode 0: ' + oppPacode);
msg = 'The below details will be sent to iWerks. \n\n PA Code: ' + oppPacode + ' , ' +
'Parts MID: ' + pMid + ' & Service MID: ' + sMid + '\n\n Do you want to continue sending the details?';
component.set('v.message', msg);
else if(retValue.length == 3){
if(retValue[1].split(":")[0] != 'S')
msgOppVal=retValue[retValue.length - 1];
component.set('v.message', msgOppVal);
alert(retValue[retValue.length - 1]);
var showToast = $A.get('e.force:showToast');
type : 'warning',
message : retValue[retValue.length - 1]
console.log('@@retValue arr: ' + retValue[1].split(":"));
pMid = retValue[1].split(":")[1];
component.set("v.partsMID", pMid);
partsOppID = retValue[1].split(":")[2];
component.set("v.partsOppID", partsOppID);
oppPacode = retValue[1].split(":")[3];
component.set("v.PaCode", oppPacode);
console.log('@@oppPacode 1: ' + oppPacode);
msg = msgOppVal+'\n\n'+ 'Now, the below details will be sent to iWerks. \n\n PA Code: ' + oppPacode + ' & ' +
'Parts MID: ' + pMid + '\n\n Do you want to continue sending the details?';
component.set('v.message', msg);
else if(retValue[1].split(":")[0] == 'S')
msgOppVal=retValue[retValue.length - 1];
component.set('v.message', msgOppVal);
alert(retValue[retValue.length - 1]);
var showToast = $A.get('e.force:showToast');
type : 'warning',
message : retValue[retValue.length - 1]
sMid = retValue[1].split(":")[1];
component.set("v.servMID", sMid);
servOppID = retValue[1].split(":")[2];
component.set("v.servOppID", servOppID);
oppPacode = retValue[1].split(":")[3];
component.set("v.PaCode", oppPacode);
console.log('@@oppPacode 2: ' + oppPacode);
msg = msgOppVal+ '\n\n'+ 'Now, the below details will be sent to iWerks. \n\n PA Code: ' + oppPacode + ' & ' +
'Service MID: ' + sMid + '\n\n Do you want to continue sending the details?';
component.set('v.message', msg);
else if(retValue.length == 2){
if(retValue[1].split(":")[0] != 'P' && retValue[1].split(":")[0] != 'S'){
msgOppVal=retValue[retValue.length - 1];
component.set('v.message', msgOppVal);
alert(retValue[retValue.length - 1]);
var showToast = $A.get('e.force:showToast');
type : 'warning',
message : retValue[retValue.length - 1]
if(retValue[1].split(":")[0] == 'P')
pMid = retValue[1].split(":")[1];
component.set("v.partsMID", pMid);
partsOppID = retValue[1].split(":")[2];
component.set("v.partsOppID", partsOppID);
oppPacode = retValue[1].split(":")[3];
component.set("v.PaCode", oppPacode);
console.log('@@oppPacode 3: ' + oppPacode);
msg = 'The below details will be sent to iWerks. \n\n PA Code: ' + oppPacode + ' & ' +
'Parts MID: ' + pMid + '\n\n Do you want to continue sending the details?';
component.set('v.message', msg);
else if(retValue[1].split(":")[0] == 'S')
sMid = retValue[1].split(":")[1];
component.set("v.servMID", sMid);
servOppID = retValue[1].split(":")[2];
component.set("v.servOppID", servOppID);
oppPacode = retValue[1].split(":")[3];
component.set("v.PaCode", oppPacode);
console.log('@@oppPacode 4: ' + oppPacode);
msg = 'The below details will be sent to iWerks. \n\n PA Code: ' + oppPacode + ' & ' +
'Service MID: ' + sMid + '\n\n Do you want to continue sending the details?';
component.set('v.message', msg);
//To do : The commented code will go in
component.set('v.message', msgOppVal);
component.set('v.Iwerkscall', false);
console.log('@@opp Not valid: ' + msgOppVal);
var showToast = $A.get('e.force:showToast');
type : 'warning',
message : retValue[1]
msgOppVal='No response from the Server. Please try again.';
component.set('v.message', msgOppVal);
component.set('v.Iwerkscall', false);
alert('No response from the Server. Please try again.');
msg = 'No response from the Server. Please try again.';
var showToast=$A.get('e.force:showToast');
type : 'error',//success
message : msg
// Invoke the service
//This method closes the lightning modal
closeComponent : function(cmp, evt, helper){
var msg = 'You have selected to stop';
cmp.set('v.message', msg);
FinalCallout : function(cmp, evt, helper)
var action = cmp.get("c.makeCallout");
"paCode": cmp.get("v.PaCode"),
"partsMID": cmp.get("v.partsMID"),
"servMID": cmp.get("v.servMID"),
"partsOppID": cmp.get("v.partsOppID"),
"servOppID": cmp.get("v.servOppID")
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
var state = response.getState();
if (state === "SUCCESS") {
var resp = response.getReturnValue();
console.log('Makecallout ' + resp);
var msg='';
msg = 'You have confirmed to submit the Penny Test request';
cmp.set('v.message', msg);
msg = 'Penny Test request has been submitted successfully';
cmp.set('v.message', msg);
cmp.set('v.Iwerkscall', false);
else if(resp=='Failed')
msg = 'There was an error in confirming the PA code. Please Contact SFDCOPS or SF Admin Team.';
cmp.set('v.message', msg);
cmp.set('v.Iwerkscall', false);
else if(resp == 'ErrorConn')
msg = 'There was a connection error in sending the PA code. Please Contact SFDCOPS or SF Admin Team.';
cmp.set('v.message', msg);
cmp.set('v.Iwerkscall', false);
else if(resp == 'ErrorSF')
msg = 'Error occured while updating Data in Salesforce. Please Contact SFDCOPS or SF Admin Team.';
cmp.set('v.message', msg);
cmp.set('v.Iwerkscall', false);
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