Datetime myDate = datetime.valueOf(stringDate);
Map <String, Integer> monthNames = new Map <String, Integer> {'Jan'=>1, 'Feb'=>2, 'Mar'=>3, 'Apr'=>4, 'May'=>5, 'Jun'=>6, 'Jul'=>7, 'Aug'=>8, 'Sep'=>9, 'Oct'=>10, 'Nov'=>11, 'Dec'=>12};
List <String> stringParts = 'Wed Aug 07 04:30:00 GMT 2013'.split(' ');
List <String> timeParts = stringParts[3].split(':');
DateTime yourDateVariable = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(Integer.valueOf(stringParts[5]), monthNames.get(stringParts[1]), Integer.valueOf(stringParts[2]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[0]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[1]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[2]));
System.debug('yourDateVariable is'+yourDateVariable);
DateTime yourDateVariable2= yourDateVariable.addHours(24);
System.debug('yourDateVariable2 is'+yourDateVariable2);
public with sharing class AutomatedTestSetup_Controller {
public AutomatedTestSetup_Controller(ApexPages.StandardController controller) {
public boolean hasScheduledJobs { get; set; }
public boolean hasTestRun { get; set; }
public boolean isRunning { get; set; }
public boolean isEmailing { get; set; }
public AutomatedTestSetup_Controller ATS { get; set; }
public String DtValue {get; set; }
public String Staticstics;
public void refreshHasScheduledJobs() {
integer jobCount = [select count() from CronJobDetail where Name like 'AutoTestRunner%' and JobType = '7'];
hasScheduledJobs = jobCount == 1;
public void refreshHasTestRun() {
integer runCount = [select count() from Automated_Test_Run__c limit 1];
hasTestRun = runCount > 0;
public string getTestRunLink() {
return '/' + Automated_Test_Run__c.SObjectType.getDescribe().getKeyPrefix();
public AutomatedTestSetup_Controller() {
public PageReference scheduleJobs() {
//String InputDtValue = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('DtValue');
// System.debug('Date & Time is given***'+InputDtValue);
System.debug('Date & Time is given***1'+DtValue);
if(DtValue!='null' && DtValue!='' ){
//DateTime Schdtime = (DateTime)Json.deserialize('"'+DtValue+'"', DateTime.class);
//DtValue Format: Sat Aug 25 17:12:00 GMT 2018
//0 12 17 25 Aug 2018 Sat
// 0 12 17 25 AUG ? 2017
// Seconds Minutes Hours Day Of Month Month Day Of Week Year
// 0 12 17 25 AUG ? 2017
Map <String, Integer> monthNames = new Map <String, Integer> {'Jan'=>1, 'Feb'=>2, 'Mar'=>3, 'Apr'=>4, 'May'=>5, 'Jun'=>6, 'Jul'=>7, 'Aug'=>8, 'Sep'=>9, 'Oct'=>10, 'Nov'=>11, 'Dec'=>12};
List <String> stringParts = DtValue.split(' ');
List <String> timeParts = stringParts[3].split(':');
DateTime DTforEmail = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(Integer.valueOf(stringParts[5]), monthNames.get(stringParts[1]), Integer.valueOf(stringParts[2]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[0]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[1]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[2]));
//DTforEmail ***1-->2018-09-01 14:13:00
System.debug('DTforEmail ***'+DTforEmail);
//Getting Locle Timezone
Datetime gmt = DTforEmail;
Datetime local = getLocalDateTime(gmt);
System.Debug('GMT Time: ' + gmt);
System.Debug('Local Time: ' + local);
Contact c=new Contact(LastName='Test1contact',New_Datetime__c=local); insert c;
integer AutomatedEmailScheduleHours=integer.ValueOf(Label.AutomatedEmailScheduleHours);
DateTime mailschedule= local.addHours(AutomatedEmailScheduleHours);
Contact c2=new Contact(LastName='Test2contact',New_Datetime__c=mailschedule); insert c2;
//Datetime mailschedule =DTforEmail + (AutomatedEmailScheduleHours/24);
System.debug('mailschedule ***'+mailschedule);
String[] splited = DtValue.split(' ');
String day = splited[2];
String month = splited[1];
String HMS = splited[3];
String[] splitedHMS = HMS.split(':');
String hour = splitedHMS[0];
String minute = splitedHMS[1];
String second = splitedHMS[2];
String year =splited[5];
//String minute = string.valueOf(Schdtime.minute() + 1);
//String year = string.valueOf(Schdtime.year());
String strSchedule = '0 ' + minute + ' ' + hour + ' ' + day + ' ' + month + ' ?' + ' ' + year;
//Creating email job Cronexpression
Map <Integer,String> monthNumbers = new Map <Integer,String> {1=>'Jan', 2=>'Feb',3=>'Mar',4=>'Apr', 5=>'May', 6=>'Jun',7=>'Jul',8=>'Aug', 9=>'Sep', 10=>'Oct', 11=>'Nov', 12=>'Dec'};
String TestShdmonth=monthNumbers.get(local.month());
String strSchedule = '0 ' + local.minute() + ' ' +local.hour()+ ' ' + ' ' + TestShdmonth+ ' ? ' + ' ' + local.year();
String emailmonth=monthNumbers.get(mailschedule.month());
String strEmailSchedule = '0 ' + mailschedule.minute() + ' ' +mailschedule.hour()+ ' ' + ' ' + emailmonth+ ' ? ' + ' ' + mailschedule.year();
//String DaTime=ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('{$Automated_Test_Run__c.Schedule__c}');
//System.debug('Date & Time is'+one);
//ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Confirm, 'Jobs scheduled'));
ApexPages.Message myMsg = new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.INFO,'Please Select Date Time Value and then Select Submit Button to Schedule job');
public PageReference CancelJobs() {
//List<CronTrigger> jobsToAbort = [select id,Name from CronJobDetail where Name like 'AutoTestRunner%' and JobType = '7'];
List<CronTrigger> jobsToAbort = [select Id from CronTrigger where CronJobDetail.JobType = '7' and CronJobDetail.Name like '%TestRunner%'];
for (CronTrigger job : jobsToAbort) {
//PageReference pageRef = '/apex/AutomatedTestSetupVFP';
PageReference pageRef = new PageReference('/apex/AutomatedTestSetupVFP');
return pageRef;
public void createTestRun() {
User currentUser = [select Email from User where Id = :UserInfo.getUserId()];
insert new Automated_Test_Run__c(Name = 'All Tests', Emails__c = currentUser.Email);
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Confirm, 'Automated Test Run created'));
public void run() {
isRunning = true;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Confirm, 'Tests queued'));
public void email() {
isEmailing = true;
ApexPages.addMessage(new ApexPages.Message(ApexPages.Severity.Confirm, 'Results processed and emailed'));
public List<PieWedgeData> getPieData() {
//Select id,Status from ApexTestQueueItem where ParentJobId='7070K00008HsU7EQAV'
//Test_Runner_Job__c RunningJob =[Select Name,Automated_Test_Run__c,CreatedDate From Test_Runner_Job__c where Processed__c = false order by CreatedDate desc limit 1];
Test_Runner_Job__c RunningJob =[Select Name,Automated_Test_Run__c,CreatedDate From Test_Runner_Job__c order by CreatedDate desc limit 1];
//integer Cmpltd = [select count() FROM ApexTestResult WHERE Outcome = 'Pass' and AsyncApexJobId=:RunningJob.Name];
integer Cmpltd = [select count() FROM ApexTestQueueItem where Status='Completed' and ParentJobId=:RunningJob.Name];
integer Queuedjobs = [select count() FROM ApexTestQueueItem where Status='Queued' and ParentJobId=:RunningJob.Name];
Integer Tot=Cmpltd+Queuedjobs;
Integer Pending=Tot-Queuedjobs;
Staticstics='Total Testclasses='+Tot+'Pending Testclasses='+Pending;
List<PieWedgeData> data = new List<PieWedgeData>();
data.add(new PieWedgeData('Completed'+' '+Cmpltd, +Cmpltd));
data.add(new PieWedgeData('In Progress'+' '+Queuedjobs, +Queuedjobs));
return data;
// Wrapper class
public class PieWedgeData {
public String name { get; set; }
public Integer data { get; set; }
public Integer Cmpltd{ get; set; }
public Integer Queuedjobs{ get; set; }
public PieWedgeData(String name, Integer data) { = name; = data;
public static Datetime getLocalDateTime(Datetime z)
Datetime l = z.Date();
l = l.addHours(z.hour());
l = l.addMinutes(z.minute());
l = l.addSeconds(z.second());
return l;
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